Saturday, 25 October 2008

Omlet Eglu's

Well, I really have seen it all. What do you guys think about these things then??

My mate Nicola Slingo at work is getting one of these things, to rear chickens. At first glance I was horrified, me being a traditionalist and all, but having looked more carefully at them I've got to say, they've grown on me. They look much more cosier than the wooden pens. The only thing I don't like are the colours (not exactly environmentally friendly) and the price (total rip off for a bit of fancy plastic). Would I get one second hand if I was to keep chucks? Yes, probably. Shame they don't come with central heating too or else I'd move in too!!

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Some good news....!

OK, OK. Call me a complete saddo, but this was obviously something on my subconscious niggle list. I applied for an allotment over 2 years ago, close by to where I live and up until recently I'd heard nothing despite contacting the person in charge at Shameside Council. Anyway, I happen to know the person who is in charge of the site I was interested so I phoned her at work, and she let me know - all being well - I'll be getting my plot next March. Yippee! At last. I love growing my own stuff and it's something I want to get the kids and David into. I'm no Jack Duckworth or anything, it just tastes nicer and is usually cheaper than shop bought stuff.

For those of you who know the size of my back garden, you'll appreciate my excitement of at last having a bit of breathing space rather than having to rely on containers and hanging baskets!!

It made me feel much better and cheerful in myself too - something to plan for and look forward to.