How many of you recycle? I never used to bother until about 2 years ago, when our beloved Tameside Council put an advert in the advertiser asking if we wanted different bins for different things. Fantastic! At last, only 10 years too late and only because the Government are putting pressure on local Government to deal with it better. In the past, it was way too expensive to recycle. The cheaper option is to shovel all our waste into Land-fills - marvellous when you see them slap-bang in the middle of countryside with obese seagulls feeding off all the crap there!
Anyway these bins! I've got one of each now and use them totally. If you asked David, he'd say I'm obsessed with recycling and often have to fish out things from the house bin to put in the different bins outside! I have issues with these bins though. Nice colours etc.. but for a family my size, they're too bloody small! They're half the size of the black wheelie bins. The ones in the picture are massive compared to mine.
We're down for pick ups every 4 weeks for the recycle bins. My green one that takes plastic and glass is usually full within 14 days. My blue bin for paper was full before Christmas, and because of new year, the next pick up wasn't due til February!! How stupid is that.
I spend more money phoning TMBC to do extra pick ups. I've requested bigger or extra bins, but they won't oblige.
My point is, it doesn't exactly encourage you to recycle when your bins are full to bursting and the council won't do anything about it. They threaten us with managed waste collection (weekly to every two weeks) despite this. That would be interesting where I live which is right behind a reservoir. I've seen rats the size of household cats occasionally. Could you imagine what it would be like with rubbish lying everywhere on the streets, not to mention the cats and dogs ripping the bags open to get at all first!
I DO still do my bit though and always will, as long as TMBC don't threaten me with legal action for recycling incorrectly (if I ever do), like that poor bloke from London that time. I'm also training the kids to do it too. My Granny Nield used to do it. Milk bottle tops and tin foil for the Guide Dogs, paper envelopes either reused or made into drawing paper for me and my brother Mike, newspaper in the compost heap as well as food scraps, pop bottles back to the pop man for a penny. There wasn't as much plastic in those days and I think there lies the problem. Did you know that once you've bought your items from supermarkets, you can give them back the excess packaging before leaving the store, although it does p*ss off the check out girls putting the fruit and veg through unbagged - slows 'em down a bit too! Hilarious!
Anyway, let me know what you think. I think that's enough ranting from me today. Rosie needs feeding and changing, then we're going for the big weigh in! I reckon she's about 12lb 4oz. I'll keep you posted.
Hi Bongo.. John Roberts and his wife Tina live on Cheetham Fold and it's now every two weeks before their household rubbish is removed. We were there last night and John was getting two bin bags ready to take to the tip. He already made a trip that morning.
The paper bin we can manage with how it is.. we don't get a daily paper or a TV one... ours is normally full of Junk mail. The Green Bin is the one we struggle with.. Jane's glass bottles from her drinking binges.. ha! cheep wine and lager bottles are not the problem it's the plastic milk cartons.. I now cut them up as well as washing them out.
Another good rant Ali..
When I came over this morning there was a warning about the contents of your blog.. I had to click to verify I wished to enter. I expected to find something really bad... I suppose the two lady's in a state of undress might offend some, but in the context it was used I did not find it wrong at all. Maybe someone did not like your language, but again it was not that bad concidering what we see in the newspapers and on the TV..
Don't let it put you off Ali, I know if you knew just what it was you had done to upset someone you would sort it out. I also know that you don't and I think have not set out to offend. Keep it up my love and lets hope who ever complained will let you or me (if they feel more comfortable) know what it was that upset them.
iExcess recycling - just put Gimger on a diet and you will be amazed at just how much space you will have in the bins!!!
Don't know what all the fuss is about because if TMBC reduces the collection schedules, they will obviously reduce our council tax! Yer right!!!!!!
Keep up the good work "Angry Ali!"
Hiya Ali
We're lucky down in Wales as we get green bags for our recycling, the amount is never an issue. We have 2 week collections which alternate with garden waste collections. I think that councils could possibly encourage recycling even further. i.e provide cheap water butts and composters. I know it's for all our good if we recycle, but surely if it was made easier and more accessible then possibly people would make more of an effort. Also the descriptions of what you can and can't recycle that the council have given us doesn't always tally up with packaging that says it's recyclable! Weird!!!
True Jon, since the majority of it is those damned plastic milk cartons. I considered getting milk delivered but when I'm working, the delivery is too late and it ends up on my doorstep all day - not good in summer time and obviously an invitation to burglars. Yes, I'll pass on your comment to the ginger nugget and see if he agrees..... I doubt!
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