Well, he did it. David "The Brave" has had his snip. He was an hour delayed going in and almost bottled it twice but eventually he went in. When we got back, I packed him off to the Grapes with Luke and Chris, where he topped up his anaesthetic with ale and watched the footie and rugby. It took his mind off it a bit. Today (after the anaesthetic's worn off completely), he's a little bit tender and a little bruised, and has taken to walking like John Wayne a bit, but he's OK. Mind you, the funny walk could be his very fetching net knickers he's got to wear til tomorrow! Thanks to all the well wishers. David's comments were "it wasn't half as bad as what I thought it was going to be", so any of you out there who are considering it, I think he'd recommend it.
As for the picture, don't worry. They don't look half as purple as those!!
1 comment:
oh! just wait till he coughs or sneezes Ali... plenty of pepper on his dinner might gdo the job..
He had a lucky escape last night Ali... Jane was out on the 'Razz' with Paula and friends last night they were going to do a tour of Gee Cross... I could just see the picture now.. poor David sat with his friends having a quiet drink, suddenly the Grapes door flung open and in run 'Aunty Freeze' spies David with out you and thinks 'Yes he's all mine now'........ she's have jumped on his lap completely forgetting is 'Sad Sack'....
They went to the Lamb for last orders where I got a call from to say she was dancing on table and would I pick her up..
Give my regards to old Blue Balls... tell Adam I think he's right about that tree in Pole Bank... Flick Lucy's ear from me and a big kiss for Rosey Cheeks
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