Wednesday, 26 May 2010

New Beginnings

Hi All!

Well its been ages since I posted a blog and a lot has happened.

Dave and I despite the rumblings of my previous blog, are now engaged. A year later than planned but we got there in the end and we're settled.

I've also been lucky enough to get a new job as Operational Pharmacy Services Manager at Macclesfield General - a lovely Hospital but boy, a lot of work to do.
It amazes me how some people think its acceptable to get paid exortionate amounts of money for doing very little, when they should be doing plenty. Now that my permanent contract has come through, I fully intend to turn things around there to make it the Dogs Bollocks (to put it bluntly). I know I may not make many friends along the way which is sad in a way, but people have to understand there are methods in my madness and the last thing I want is for people to lose their jobs because of their apathy. So, that said, fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride....!!!


imac said...

Hi Bong, Womtigs nice niece.
So, you're a hospital worker, nice to see you on board the National Health Service lot, just like me(A porter)-the lot that keeps ev1
I'm a member of the Headbangers, just like ol'Womtig is himself.
Goodluck with your blog.

Tom said...

Hello Ali Bongo.... I never realised you were still blogging my dear...
Great news about this Job.. hope you can get it into shape and not have to suffer for it... 'Macc' is very lucky to have you on board.. all the very best

Uncle Tom & Anti-Virus