Monday 21 January 2008

Obesity. Where's it come from and what can we do about it?

This is a topic close to my heart, as I'm battling to lose the flab after having Rosie. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a beached whale or anything. It just seems I've ground to a halt a bit - probably due to the Christmas food binge.
I know everyone tends to put on a few pounds over the years, and as I'm creeping towards the big 40, it worries me that despite my best efforts, I've put on about 30 lbs (just over 2 stone) in the last ten years. My excuse is too many biscuits, too many ready-made meals (not necessarily take-aways), and massive portions. There's also been a definate lack of exercise!
I feel this advance in technology over the last 10 years has particularly contributed although it was starting way before then. People sit around on their arses too much and drive everywhere rather than walking. We've developed into a Couch Potato society and expect everything to be handed to us on a plate. In the old days, they called it laziness! As for the food, people need to get back to basics. It's not rocket science however it does take a bit longer to do in the kitchen which puts people off.
When I worked at the Uni many moons ago, I worked with a fantastic lady called Rita Taylor who was a supermum! She did a batch cookathon every Friday and froze everything for the week ahead. I did it for a bit bit have fallen by the way side. It's time to start again, especially since I'm going back to work soon and need to get organised a bit better. Has anyone got any good recipes (especially from overseas) that freeze well and are tasty? Let me know. Let me know your comments about how you think society or technology has caused obesity to flare up in the world.
P.S. No, I'm not one of those large ladies on the photo, thank you!!


Tom said...

Oh! dear Ali
I weighed myself last week 18st. Now I know a lot as to do with how or what and even when I eat. At the moment proper exercise is difficult because of my heart trouble... but yes.. your uncle Tom is now a double bubble with a tripple ripple. Here's to more walking.. When the weather gts a bit better Ali we will need to walk The Longdendale Trail... Rosie can come in her buggy.

Nice rants as well Ali..

Bong said...

Oh dear. Is ten-bellies Tom turning into twenty bellies?? Don't worry Uncle. You can always play the middle-age spread card whereas I am obviously too young to do that yet..... anyway....! I saw this article too in
entitled "Perils of a tubby tummy"
Research, funded by Lloyds Pharmacy, has found that 35 per cent of men and 14 per cent of women not considered technically overweight may be at risk of obesity related conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.
I feel even more depressed now!!
Bong xx